Friday, December 19, 2008

mark bfa07

this work has layers. heres a shortlist of words that relate to this piece=)

body. viewer. fanon. response. ritual. the round/around. (lack of) voice. action. object. skin.... and so on.

this piece required not only the viewer to act in artmaking but called for the viewer to share the role and process, by making marks on the sculpture. this is after the show ran for two weeks.


Syretta said...

Dail, your work is outstanding. You have an extraordinary talent. I look forward to going to the gallery. I am so proud of you!

Truthful Art said...

Dail, you work has and will always leave me with questions and noises.
It is truly amazing.
Always, Jessics

Chaotic Black Sheep said...

This is gorgeous. Wonderful idea. I love the interactive nature of the piece.